DAP Values


Understanding that domestic violence impacts not just individuals and families, but the whole community; and that we must engage, listen to, and collaborate with the whole community if we want to end the cycle of violence.


Understanding that in order to provide the best service possible, we must be accountable to our community, participants, stakeholders, and each other; and that accountability is the foundation for change and trust-building in relationship.


Understanding that anti-racist and anti-oppressive work must be the priority when working with populations that have experience trauma and are moving through larger systems. That member of our community experience and heal from domestic violence differently. And that part of addressing power and control in relationships includes addressing the ways power and control play out in society.


Understanding that in order to address the inter-generational cycle of violence, we must engage In a long-term approach as professionals, holding both our current experience as well as the experience of the next generation of providers at DAP. This means recognizing the challenges of our work and working to address the impact of non-profit culture and limited resources for future generations of clients and staff.


Honoring participant self-determination; understanding that people want to be happy, fulfilled, and to grow; that the biggest tools to support change and growth for participants are unconditional positive regard, empathy, and accountability.


Understanding that we must reside in a state of perpetual learning and growth in response to new research and best practices, especially as the context of systems of oppression and dynamics of violence change over time and in recognition of various needs and strengths of our diverse communities.